When your life goes full circle

A younger version of myself, shooting an experimental art project.

Careers often seem like straight paths, marked by a series of steps to climb, but they frequently take unexpected turns—or, sometimes, come full circle.

Mine has certainly come full circle.

Before embarking on the epic journey of creating Sid Lee with my partners, I dreamed of being a photographer. I was deeply immersed in photojournalism for student newspapers and experimenting in the studio. However, I fell in love with design and transitioned into becoming a creative business entrepreneur. We had a wonderful wild ride and opened offices in 6 cities around the world. It was a blast. I never regretted it, not one bit.

But at some point, the artist in me took over and I left the commercial world behind.

Now, I find myself back exactly where I started—with visual art. My studio is, serendipitously, just a few blocks away from Sid Lee’s original tiny loft! My new chapter as a full-time visual artist feels like a return to my roots: once again, I’m learning my craft and hustling to create something from nothing. It’s both exhilarating and emotional to fully embrace this new career, especially as I prepare to release my new photography book, co-published by PowerHouse Books (USA) and André Frère Éditions (France), with global distribution by Simon & Schuster.

The book will debut at ParisPhoto and the Perrotin Store in New York City.

Exhibitions will follow in several international cities, beginning with Montreal at Blouin Division Gallery (opening October 30 at 17:00, 2020 William Street). Stay tuned for more details about exhibitions in Havana, Mexico City, and France…

I believe many people often forget it is ok to try new paths, take radical turns... Or even go back full circle to embrace old passions and make a go of it.

JF Bouchard